Courage to... *I shall get to that in a moment*. It takes your breath away doesnt it? These photos, man, I wish I was in the drivers seats. The participants look like theyre having more fun than me :(... ANYWAYS! Its the 3rd week of December already, time flies so fast, soon SCHOOL WILL BE STARTING FML. I dont wanna go back :'/. SO, recap on what i've been doing.
Them pics. You can haz guess where I took them. PLEASE dont say my backyard, I DONT hang around there 24/7. Anyways, I went to Sepang! 190kmh in my wagon (surprisingly) and an hours drive from PJ, we arrived in the F1 circuit.
Them pics. You can haz guess where I took them. PLEASE dont say my backyard, I DONT hang around there 24/7. Anyways, I went to Sepang! 190kmh in my wagon (surprisingly) and an hours drive from PJ, we arrived in the F1 circuit.
Anyways, just a few shots of WHATEVER wasnt corrupted by my beautiful 'trusty' A200. Lets just say we now have trust issues -__-". A nice FF starlet, i'd like that.
Evo's from Singapore im guessing? Old VS. New, which would you pick? :)
And the lineup for the start... FF, FR, MR, RR, 4wd, they were all there.
Ah FF, my fave. I want to be the Chinaman over there on the right shutting his eyes tightly at the civic's driver. The driver must have been one ugly-fugly guy... ho-hum.
Laik woaaa...
Yay, we made it. Mmmm i'm lazy to go into detail, lets just say that Me, Calvin, Chung and Daniel went for the KLIMS show, wasted RM15, had the best roadtrip so far in my wagon in A CRAWLING JAM from KL all the way home.
Turns out my wagons trunk can be used to: Eat in, play guitar in, make jokes in, and scream for no apparant reason in.
I'm glad im using the holidays to the max so far, feels great to be ALIVE. You dont need tons of cash, or a girl *It helps though if shes as FUN as us :p* to have fun, you just need awesome friends :D!
And before I wrap up, awesome friends apologise when they're wrong, that takes courage. Yes? If you don't understand me you dont need to, if you do, YAY. Goodie for you, im going to sleep.