Monday, June 14, 2010

Did I Ever Mention, Im Racist?

Well no, you're not looking at superman. Well, sort of haha :D. It's 5.15am on a monday and i'm up again after VBS. I've got an aching shoulder, lack of sleep, excercise, and uhm patience at most.

Anyways! Uh nothing much to update about, VBS is just the usual like every year. Lots of (Smelleh) little kids that we all have to jaga. SUMMARY of it all, the whole event went well and I enjoyed myself :).

So far my holidays have been a waste of timeeeee, havent been doing much. Went to watch prince of persia with the church youth, and OMG man. Its such a good show :D. Totally recomended watching it (Y).

OH and I found out what my name means on :P. GO take a look! Try searching your name, it should have results as well hahaha :D.

Last but not least before I go, im REALLY REALLY addicted to flat black bonnets + airscoops (Y). See what I mean? So gangster. HAHAHAHA, now all I need is a brighter color, lower stance and I think my car would look perfect (Y). Getting really sick of white :/...

Thats all for now, my life is very very dull.

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