Sunday, May 30, 2010

Its Been A While...

...Since i've visited and blogged in this lifeless blog havent I? Haha :). Well now its halfway during midterms, @ 2.16 AM on a monday morning before my science and pjk paper I cant sleep cause I be bored yo'. And busy. And very very guilty because I didnt study.

Anyways since i've got time might as well do a short rundown on what i've been up to this month with my super-valuable friends. I just realised that if I lost all my friends i'll be a VERY bored and lonely boy :/. Thanks God for giving me close friends (Y). I need them haha.

Lets go from top to bottom!

Firstly, my camo bike project. Its safe to say ONLY THE FRAME is done. As you can see our very professionaly painter in the 2nd picture with his uber-gangster mask is applying the gloss clearcoat over my bike in its final stages... Now i've just got to give him the mood to finish the REST of it, right Chung? I wanna go riding :(.

Okay now you'll see the abandoned wagon. IT'S NOT MINE FOR GOODNESS SAKE, since when have you ever seen me twitter/facebook about the fact my car got stolen and I decided to take back my parts?

While cycling with Chung (Again. We'll he is a kaki cyclist isnt he?) we both ter-spotted this abandoned wagon lying glumly there in its deathbed. SOOOOO me being a wagon-ist and my own wagon lacking some parts, the next morning my dad loaned the car to Chung and me so we could get parts, Haha! Wannabe theives.

We managed to get: Plastic boot cover, Speakers (!), Speaker boards, A Spoiler, Badges, Fuel-Lid cover, and a BONNET/HOOD! What a haul eh? I feel like going back for the fenders muahahaha. >:)

Now the random I <3> sticker, went to a sunway shop, saw that and it looked so irresistable so yeah. It's going to be pasted right above my exhaust like a bumper sticker...


NOW! My biggest (Or maybe 2nd biggest since i've got to take it out again cause my mum hates it) thing this month, the flat black hood + bonnet pins! Like I mentioned above, we took the abused and deserted bonnet from the abandoned AD, and spray'd it flat black (YES, spray paint but it'll get a coat of proper car paint when I can get the bonnet scoop) for now. After that we drilled to holes in it, and put bonnet pins and voila.

The wagon looks like a mini-muscle car ;). I've gotta give a ton of credit and thanks to God actually, for giving me parents who let me do this to the car, and friends who help me. Then only comes my Dad, who let me take the car out from 3pm-1am I think? Wowiee. I really love my dad haha :). And last but not least, Chung, my bestest car buddy HAHAHAHAHA I felt so gay saying that for doing the work on the car for me!

I also hope to get a fiberglass hoodscoop as shown in the last pic and graft it onto the hood and paint it flat black properly this time, whatchu think?

This wraps up what i've been up to so far with VERY little detail. Nights everyone! My report card is gonna be having more G's than a... a... uhm... I dont know actually. Its just going to have a lot of G's.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Sneak Peek...

...At my camo BMX. Nice? And its only done up 40% :). If you want your bike or EVEN GUITAR painted the same way, it can be done too! Ask me for more details. And YES, you have to pay.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not Nessacarily A Yes...

It's funny how God can use the most positive things in your life to bring you down. And nuuuuuunh this isnt one of my emo posts. Its one of those posts where you go " Ohhh yeah hor. Why im not so smart like Ian and I didnt think of that..." (Jokes)

Anyways! If you all dont get the hint on what im talking about, I wanted to get a car (Im not telling the name or anything) for an average price. It was my dream car, but the condition was how'd you say, pretty sad?

It had rust all over the edges, the interior was missing, its TURBO was burning oil. On the positive side it at least gives a fog effect haha XD.

Point of this post is, God purposely I would say gave me an oppurtunity to test me whether I can think with my HEAD over my HEART. Its not easy I tell you, I was dead serious about buying it, I guess reality managed to win over fantasy thankfully... So that aside I dont have my own personal car, I WILL be still rolling in a LittleWhiteWagon and my chance of impressing chicks? I'd give tops 10% :/

On the other hand im saving to lower the Wagon since its as tall as yao ming but handles like the titanic. Looks as pretty as Micheal Jackson post surgery too! Hopefully the funds come in easily.

Then also i've got my Toys 'r' us bought Lerun bike to finish up... The paint is almost all stripped, hopefully I can get all of it off by tomorrow. Gah and midterms is coming. Im so gonna fail if my mind is scattered everywhere -___-"

AND IM ADDICTED TO MOUNTAIN DEW. What the heck do they put in there? 3 days in a row and I still like it :/.