Thursday, January 14, 2010

Streamyx So Slow

Its a very very long time since i've signed into my blog to waste time talking non-sense, that barely anyone reads... (besides my parents, which I dont consider readers)

But oh well, I cant let something I have die can I? Haha.

So okay, this post holds NOTHING intresting if youre expecting it to do with cars or my life. INSTEAD, i'll be yabbering about my camera! As you all know, I have an intrest in photography, but im clueless on how to use the camera to its full potential... Call it lazyness, or what, im not the kid of guy who reads the manual before using it.

Recently though, my dad bought me a book about how to set this and that on my camera. Apeture, focus, ISO, shutter speed, what conditions should you take the photos in, its ALL THERE. However... Only 2-3 months later I pick it up, shows how 'dedicated' I am huh? Hahaha.

I wanted to actually upload more photos here, but streamyx as usual is performing at its 'best' and im waaaaaaay too lazy to re-size them so...

You like my soap bottle? Kills 650 GERMS!

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