Friday, April 17, 2009


It has been quite awhile since i've weighed myself so this morning,I decided to weigh myself.Guess what?

I've lost 4 KG!!

*4kg only what...what's so special?*
Ah quite true, but then again a few facts first before you all go making fun of me.
1.I have never watched my diet.Ever.Yesterday's dinner consisted of deep fried squid with chilli and pan mee.Delicious.I don't give a shit about Mcd's, KFC or any fast food for that matter.Eat what I want you know?
2.I excersice ONLY when I want to.Due to being in college I don't make it a priority to go to the gym often, so I go only when I feel like.
3.I usually go twice a week or so, no more than that.
4.I spend MAX 1 hour 10 mins.Anything else i'll probably die while weight-lifting or something.
So if YOU are wanting to lose weight, hit a gym!(Not literally lah...)You dont have to diet, which I think is really sad.Consider this, if you deprive you body lets say of carbs, the moment you eat carbs you body will take as much fat as it can get due to the lack of it due to YOU dieting hahaha.Not trying to bring anyone down but yeah, I think excersicing pays off more.
Also just a few tips to lose weight.
1.Eat your veggies! Its probably a well known fact that veggies are good for you but they also, some of them contain certain um... "stuff" that burns your fat better while exercising.Problem is, they make you PUT ON weight as well. (I got this off my memory,im not responsible if this is true or not but to me it works =P)
2.Common sense helps.Really as i've said before, don't kill yourself by not eating fatty food once in awhile.If you deprive yourself of your cravings your sure going to wan't more of it in the first place right? -.-" Then again, don't make this an excuse to pig off e.g : *Aiyah, i'll just take 5 more chicken drumsticks which are deep fried with mayo.I sure can lose weight, Ian said to give in to cravings." Again -.-" ...
3.Target certain areas of your body.Like for example if you have just overall fat, run it off on the treadmill.If you wanna go specific, use machines that are made specific for it.
4.Try to get a partner who excersices with you also! Yes I dont know whether its the kid in me,but I preffer someone to follow me.I feel dulan-ted running on the treadmill with a fat sweaty guy next to me instead of my mum/dad/both so yeah.
5.Stay consistent. Im soooooo lacking in this part.Like I said I go when I want, otherwise malas so I have yet to find friends...
Anyone wanna sign up for gym with me? =D
No? =/
Aww MAN!!... =(
Oh and lastly...
...I NEVER SAID I WAS SKINNY OKAY?I just lost weight and am happy about it =D

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