Thursday, January 10, 2013


My holidays are almost up. Hmm. As much as I would love to add a lively tone to this update I don't have any sort of idea to, so bear with me okay?

I'm still very moody. Perhaps those events of 2012 are going to leave a much bigger mark on me than I can even imagine. Of recent i've gone back to my old addictions, tumblr-ing! Funny thing is though i've stopped smoking. Even the addiction + craving is gone, as soon as I started it again i've stopped. About 3 weeks ago I gave my pack away because I knew I could stop, and indeed I have. I feel good about that, enough to pat my own back :). But anyways thats not tha main issue that i'm making a new post.

The main reason is err... finally about my car haha. HUEHUEHUE new engine soon. That and I think i'm turning into an introvert. Hoho the noisy Ian is now quieter. I'm really worried about this because thinking back over the past few years I recall that the majority of my 'extrovertness' was due to my 'confidence' in doing right. That and nicotine sticks. Ciggs really do get you into the 'cool crowd' exactly how the media portrays them as. You'd probably be thinking just because Ian is staying home 99% of the time now, how does that make him an introvert? Well, the credibility of this is questionable but i'll just put this down.

Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk.
This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.
Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.
Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.
Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting.
Myth #4 – Introverts don’t like people.
On the contrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introvert to consider you a friend, you probably have a loyal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a person of substance, you’re in.
Myth #5 – Introverts don’t like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts just don’t like to go out in public FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the complications that are involved in public activities. They take in data and experiences very quickly, and as a result, don’t need to be there for long to “get it.” They’re ready to go home, recharge, and process it all. In fact, recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts.
Myth #6 – Introverts always want to be alone.
Introverts are perfectly comfortable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They daydream. They like to have problems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredibly lonely if they don’t have anyone to share their discoveries with. They crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time.
Myth #7 – Introverts are weird.
Introverts are often individualists. They don’t follow the crowd. They’d prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living. They think for themselves and because of that, they often challenge the norm. They don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy.
Myth #8 – Introverts are aloof nerds.
Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It’s not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it’s just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them.
Myth #9 – Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts typically relax at home or in nature, not in busy public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensitive to the neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have different dominant neuro-pathways. Just look it up.
Myth #10 – Introverts can fix themselves and become Extroverts.
Introverts cannot “fix themselves” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and contributions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the percentage of Introverts increases with IQ.

I seem to have symptoms of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and if 10 is accurate, 10. I'll give you an idea of how much of an extrovert I am though, taken from the same articles.

Myth #1 - Extroverts like to talk and can’t be silent.
It’s not so much that we LIKE to talk - but what we DON’T like. Which is awkward silence. This is what occurs when you put a bunch of introverts in a room who don’t like making small talk! We like to “break the ice” and talk about anything and everything we can think of, just to avoid the awkwardness of everyone pretending not to be listening or looking at anyone else in the room. If others are talking and there’s no awkwardness - we embrace the opportunity to stop brainstorming random and totally unnecessary subjects!

Myth #2 - Extroverts need to be the center of attention.
Need? No. We simply ARE, due to introverts not talking….er….excuse me…I believe it’s refusing to “beat(ing) around the bush with social pleasantries”. There we go. Or liking to spend an abundant amount of time in public. We end up being the center of attention by default!

Myth #3 - Extroverts enjoy public speaking.
Just because we are comfortable talking to YOU and the person standing next to you (and the next person that comes along), does NOT mean that we have any desire to talk to a room full of people at once. Our level of comfort in verbally communicating with others stops when they actually all stop to listen and do not respond. Must I use the word “awkward” again?

Myth #4 - Extroverts love meeting people.
Though we get our energy from being around others, do not mistake this for wanting to be the designated “new person” greeter. Being shoved towards a person that no one in the room knows is just as uncomfortable for us, as it is for introverts. However - unlike introverts - we don’t know how it is possible to make friends WITHOUT first going through the inevitable “small talk” phase that introverts hate so much. So we push through the hesitation and discomfort and just do it. (Think about it, introverts - your closest friends are extroverts who did exactly what you think is unnecessary to do in public, aren’t they?? AREN’T they?!)

Myth #5 - Extroverts don’t want to be alone.
How would you know? You only see us when we’re around you. :)

Myth #6 - Extroverts have a lot of energy.
Trust me on this one. We. do. not. exert. any. energy. at. home. YOU give us energy! Isn’t that the biggest compliment in the world? We are ONLY energetic when we are around you! We love getting to know you, and finding out more about you, and spending time with you! Woo-hoo….I’m getting more energy just thinking about thinking about you! It doesn’t have to be in big groups, either. Extroverts just enjoy spending time with someone other than themselves.

Myth #7 - Extroverts don’t need time to recharge.
Our recharge is faster than your recharge. Not to sound arrogant or anything. Nothing to brag about, really. Well…it kinda is. Do you remember the last time an extrovert excused themselves to the potty? Yep - that’s all it takes. Really. We excuse ourselves, head on down to the john, and let everything that’s going on sink in. Then we’re ready for round 2!

Myth #8 - Extroverts are not shy.
We can be. *buries face in jacket*

Myth #9 - Extroverts don’t have close friends, but a lot of acquaintances.
Here’s the thing. We are capable of being interested in more than 5 people at one time on a deeper level. However - we still invest the majority of our emotional baggage in a few lucky individuals - just like you introverts do. I just think we prepare ourselves with back-ups in case our emotions get smashed by close friends we shared them with! Who wants to be left all alone when a close friend moves on or away???? Oh. That’s right. Introverts do.

Myth #10 - Extroverts don’t care what others think.
The biggest myth of them all! Extroverts have self-confidence issues just as you do! When people look at us across the room, we wonder if they’re approving our newest clothing ensemble or simply checking out the fresh pimple beside our nose. The difference is - we typically just ask them! I mean, don’t introverts “want everyone to just be real and honest”? What better way than to verbally confirm their suspicion??

Here the traits that I have would be... 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.

It's pretty long and wordy but I actualy enjoy reading articles as such and evaluating myself instead of wasting my time somewhere talking small talk and being unsure of myself of tomorrow. Okay lets start with the introvertness, it seems these days I HIGHLY dislike meeting new people and bringing up small talk. It's severe enough for me to not bother talking to my friends, calling anyone out for a yamcha and well, socially I feel very dead because I don't bother talking small talk anymore. It feels like everytime I open my mouth it's going to be a waste of my energy.

I've lost the reason to bother because generally what's the point of being so jolly? I don't even know what to be happy about. It's not that i'm ugly, poor, untalented, dumb as a brick, it's just I feel like being mediocre is boring. I need to find a higher use for myself to serve others and actually make something of myself. Thats for the future I suppose. Anyways energy, these days I don't feel very energetic anymore. I'd rather have dinner at home > showering and dressing up to go to a restaurant, sit down, order my food, eat my food, pay for my food and come home. It's become so routine i'm bored of leaving home. I don't have money to splurge on myself everyday so staying at home is the best. I couldn't be fucked to go out anywhere that I don't need to be either because I feel like i've seen everything that I need to for my age. I couldn't be fucked to go clubbing, the majority of people there are ignorant losers that have self-esteem issues. Well not all, but you get where i'm going at.

Close friends I know there's still 1 left. The first friend I ever got in high school thankfully has not caused me any problems ever, so I still highly trust him even though were not that close anymore. It used to be 2 close friends but I guess that 2nd one gave me a good enough reason to lose a lot of trust in him.

Still though this isn't the end of the world for me, i'm just changing my attitude. 2013 is really that turning point year where I dismiss everything superficial around me to get my shit straighthened out. I'm not enjoying the process of it though. It seems the more you know whats good for you and the more you try doing it the more dull your life becomes.

But on the plus side at least my wagon is getting somewhere. Even THAT isn't turning out the way I wanted before. Before this I wanted it to be a twin-carb'd GA16 with DCOE40 Webers wagon that looked retro but ran like a scalded cat. Now on the flipside i'm getting rid of the lightweight watanabe look-a-like wheels (They're authentic JDM Black Racing wheels tho) to swap in... 17 x 8jj Impul R701's for dat stretch! I'm throwing out the full bucket for the STANDARD drivers seat and swapping in... a SR16VE.

Lolwut why the big change?

From what I last recall, I have blogged somewhere in here that my standard GA16 is starting to blow oil out from the exhaust. And really badly. Enough to suffice for an overhaul, however my parents are kind enough to let me keep the wagon and all they do is swap in a newer engine that they too can drive. At first I leaned towards turbo power, A.K.A wanted the infamous SR20DET over the SR16VE. After reading how complex it is to swap it over and find a matching gearbox I cringe at the thought of it. I can sacrifice a bit of torque anyways. I've always like predictability & reliability > power. The only thing major i'll be doing is getting a huge 4-1 extractor with a secret touch. Being the obnoxious prick I am, I will not be explaining what that secret touch is. I have this rule that whatever you learn, if people are too lazy to learn themselves don't teach them. Likewise I won't bother explaning what this is until i'm done with the engine swap. All this thing does is smoothen out exhaust flow.

The SR16VE is a very different animal in comparision to the GA16DS. Both of them are 1600cc engines with 4 cylinders, 16 valvers & chain driven but the similarities end there. The GA is an extremely long stroke engine with small ports and low lift cams to get quick velocity flow from the ports, sacrificing top end power in the process. The SR however is quite the opposite. Big ports, high lift and long duration cams with copious amounts of overlap to squeeze out as much power as it can from the top end. From factory the SR comes standard with either 10:1 or 11:1 compression whereas the GA is 9:0:1 if i'm not wrong. There's always wikipedia and other referenec sites to check out. The GA comes with an open diff with decent gearing but an unfavourable final drive but the SR comes with exactly opposite of that. LSD, close ratio, you get the idea. The SR is even balanced from the factory! From my knowledge everything on the car has already been tuned to an extremly fine tolerance so the margin of modding is very slim. I don't intend to do much to it anyway, with 175hp versus 101hp the 74hp difference should be more than enough to satisfy myself. It is as if I did a turbo conversion on the GA. Best of all the VVL activation on the SR sounds awesome on youtube videos, it should sound even better in real life.

And from what forums say the engine should bolt straight up with no fuss! I don't intend on ruining the engine after swapping it in, the only things I plan to do are the basic stuff. Drop in K&N filter, exhaust system, fresh fluids & spark plugs should do the job. If a fuel regulator is needed one will be used as well, though, I don't see the need for it. Yet.

Just like most of the SR engines in the family it is quite a flexible engine to mod if paired up with the right stuff. Say a 20ve block which as tempting as it sounds, I do not have ANY money to even consider that, so that'll be for another time if I actually bother to continue modding the wagon. As odd as it sounds I think after this restoration job i'm acutally going to go on hiatus for awhile. A few reasons why, firstly, I started at the wrong time to be chasing my dreams. Finiancially unstable and wanting a track ready wagon isn't exactly the best combination. Secondly, i'm very embarassed by the majority of 'tuners' here in Malaysia. It's as if that so many Malaysians are just inbuilt with that attitude of doing things half-assed. I'm no stranger to that, thats why I choose not to build up the car any more. Instead what I plan to do for 2013 is to MAINTAIN the wagon before it starts falling apart any more.

I find it that people who always want nice things but don't wan't the responsibilities that come with it a few pistons short of an engine. That and unrealistic people who jump into projects with no basis of understanding at all. Perhaps my standards are set high but i'm always looking downwards. I don't know why i've changed so much in these few years.

At least my little 1600cc engine will be the screamer to express myself that I thought i'll be.

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