Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ricer Needs/Wants

HARRO PEEPUR. Its mid-December, christmas is around the corner and im FINALLY doing an update on my blog again :D. Yes granted I havent been here to do much posts even though I have gamillions of things to blog. I shall start wiiiiiith!...

Parts which I bought.

Then what I want :P.

So we shall start with those shiny bead thingies. Theyre lugnuts, A.K.A the nuts that keep your wheels from falling off the studs. Bought for RM70, they have an intresting 'rainbow' color scheme which I so happen to like. It has 6 sides to the nut, and it comes in 16 pieces 4 per wheel. Actually the only reason why I bought them is because im bored of looking at my mismatched chrome lugnuts on my mums nissan...

Now, what I wish I had the $$ to buy.
Its an autoGAUGE (Not autoMETER which is American...) 5" tachometer with an orange shift light. Since the nissan doesnt have one and im going for the old school theme... im sure this is gonna look spot on :). Sadly, the cheapest I found it for is like what, rm699 even its Taiwan made? Sad lah. The American one costs more than a K :/

And thats all for TODAY. I'll be updating 1 or 2 more updates just to wrap up 2009. Nights everyone!

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