Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Nissan Badge
Weed,Wheat And God
YEAAAAH, im not exactly hyper but I cant sleep either. And now something got stuck in my head after my daily family devotion...
It was a parable. (Story that means something)
It was about Weeds and Wheat, and how they grow toghther. You see, the world is like the soil. It cant choose who it wants to keep, nor throw away. The wheat and weeds represent us. As you all who have learned science, or a bit of biology know they can grow toghther. Its also near impossible to pick out every single weed while the wheat is growing so closely, that wheat might be affected due to it being so small and being close to the weed.
Wheat gets harvested. Everyone knows that. They dont like, grow forever until it becomes bigger than an OAK TREE... The weeds will be picked out first, because now its easy to diffrentiate it from the wheat. Then, it will be burned, to become ashes. However, the wheat gets stored as a valuable food for the winter.
The Weed = People who are of the world, drugs, sex, metal, cars, I dunno. Worldy lah, you get my drift.
The WHEAT = Gods people, theyre always faithful to him and not 2 sided.
Its kinda scary thinking that people can just live everyday immorally, evil-ly, without a single flinch where theyre going after death. I mean seriously, taking money from already oppresed people and getting a big bonus while everyone under you is suffering? I certainly dont wanna be judged as being an ass my whole life and not doing anything helpfull at all. Even worse yet, is to be a complete failure, fail at studies, then get mixed up in the wrong crowd and go spiralling downwards but have 'FUN' while doing that.
I mean hey, seriously.
Gravity pulling you down is MUCH easier than fighting upwards innit? I'm sick of people giving me excuses they cant do better lah, the circumstances are against them and etc. etc. If you REALLY want a change in life, you've got to really change YOURSELF first, just like what the late Micheal Jackson said in one of his songs. Or did he? I think he did... ANYWAY!
I'd say im still in the middle... I haven't gone all the way down, but I know im far from the top too );
GOD, give me the strengh to find happiness in heartache, positiveness in negativeness, and to ALWAYS trust you even though im having a tough time thinking how could you possibly help.
It was a parable. (Story that means something)
It was about Weeds and Wheat, and how they grow toghther. You see, the world is like the soil. It cant choose who it wants to keep, nor throw away. The wheat and weeds represent us. As you all who have learned science, or a bit of biology know they can grow toghther. Its also near impossible to pick out every single weed while the wheat is growing so closely, that wheat might be affected due to it being so small and being close to the weed.
Wheat gets harvested. Everyone knows that. They dont like, grow forever until it becomes bigger than an OAK TREE... The weeds will be picked out first, because now its easy to diffrentiate it from the wheat. Then, it will be burned, to become ashes. However, the wheat gets stored as a valuable food for the winter.
The Weed = People who are of the world, drugs, sex, metal, cars, I dunno. Worldy lah, you get my drift.
The WHEAT = Gods people, theyre always faithful to him and not 2 sided.
Its kinda scary thinking that people can just live everyday immorally, evil-ly, without a single flinch where theyre going after death. I mean seriously, taking money from already oppresed people and getting a big bonus while everyone under you is suffering? I certainly dont wanna be judged as being an ass my whole life and not doing anything helpfull at all. Even worse yet, is to be a complete failure, fail at studies, then get mixed up in the wrong crowd and go spiralling downwards but have 'FUN' while doing that.
I mean hey, seriously.
Gravity pulling you down is MUCH easier than fighting upwards innit? I'm sick of people giving me excuses they cant do better lah, the circumstances are against them and etc. etc. If you REALLY want a change in life, you've got to really change YOURSELF first, just like what the late Micheal Jackson said in one of his songs. Or did he? I think he did... ANYWAY!
I'd say im still in the middle... I haven't gone all the way down, but I know im far from the top too );
GOD, give me the strengh to find happiness in heartache, positiveness in negativeness, and to ALWAYS trust you even though im having a tough time thinking how could you possibly help.
And Mum/Dad, if youre reading this, who says I dont listen to anything in devotion?
*P.S GOD, if you can see this, I really wanna go for the heroes camp :(... I hope it doesnt clash with my college*
*P.S GOD, if you can see this, I really wanna go for the heroes camp :(... I hope it doesnt clash with my college*
Muddy Sneakers
I just realised my sneakers are muddy.
Todays a saturday.
Tomorrow i've got church.
Omg im going to wear muddy sneakers to church? :O
I just realised my sneakers are muddy.
Todays a saturday.
Tomorrow i've got church.
Omg im going to wear muddy sneakers to church? :O
D.I.Y Time

Muahaha. I'm trying to become a D.I.Y myself nowadays. After working in a continental car workshop, i've learned how to officially color my brake calipers! So today with my dad and brother, we went D.I.Y shopping. Bought some double-sided automotive tape and heat resistant spray paint which is a very dull grey.
Nyah. I actually wanted gold for the calipers, but since finding heat resistant paint is expensive + hard to find, a lower-profile grey works just fine. This will be the last step in D.I.Y-ing cause I dont have jackstands...
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall
Yeah, this phrase is true. It includes ego, face, pride, mass, or anything for that matter. Its easy to make something big fall. All you gotta do is just use more effort than trying to push something small down.
This is probably one of the more emo posts on my blog so it wont contain anything intresting...
If you wanna skip it, be my guest.
Anyway, a few days ago I was on facebook commenting on this 'girls' post. I cant remember what I said but Calvin (My best friend, I hope its the same for him :/) put a phrase in his comment "Sure die cock".
And well, I didnt know what that phrase means cause die + cock if you add them toghether it doesnt make sense and I thought he wanted to say some cock died or wtv lah, didint know what it meant. After asking that shit weih, I kena kutuk left and right from him and that 'girl'. So now im just thinking over it... And that wasnt any normal girl, it was someone who I had quite a major crush on -.-"
So now im just thinking over it lah, why of all the places you want to make me feel/look stupid? I feel damn hurt infront of her when he said that. I dont mind to be made fun of but not on her damn wall lah.
Now im just recalling my form 2 life with him, and how girl-free we were. Nobody to kacau us and we all had all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted. Now its all studies, jobs, work and girls. AND we used to hate this guy who's english was so broken, you coulndnt fix it with a dictionary and an english teacher. Now somewhere along the year 2009 he picked up phrases I never expected him to say. I dont know if its the place youre working at, that feller at the table with us at the mamak 2 days ago, or your classmates but PLEASE, dont pick it up. It sounds so cinated/Malaysian :(
Cal, if youre reading this, you've hurt Steph twice, please dont start hurting your friend also. Im super hurt you could still continue making fun of me even though I was trying to hint to you 'Stop it, not here not now'.
This is probably one of the more emo posts on my blog so it wont contain anything intresting...
If you wanna skip it, be my guest.
Anyway, a few days ago I was on facebook commenting on this 'girls' post. I cant remember what I said but Calvin (My best friend, I hope its the same for him :/) put a phrase in his comment "Sure die cock".
And well, I didnt know what that phrase means cause die + cock if you add them toghether it doesnt make sense and I thought he wanted to say some cock died or wtv lah, didint know what it meant. After asking that shit weih, I kena kutuk left and right from him and that 'girl'. So now im just thinking over it... And that wasnt any normal girl, it was someone who I had quite a major crush on -.-"
So now im just thinking over it lah, why of all the places you want to make me feel/look stupid? I feel damn hurt infront of her when he said that. I dont mind to be made fun of but not on her damn wall lah.
Now im just recalling my form 2 life with him, and how girl-free we were. Nobody to kacau us and we all had all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted. Now its all studies, jobs, work and girls. AND we used to hate this guy who's english was so broken, you coulndnt fix it with a dictionary and an english teacher. Now somewhere along the year 2009 he picked up phrases I never expected him to say. I dont know if its the place youre working at, that feller at the table with us at the mamak 2 days ago, or your classmates but PLEASE, dont pick it up. It sounds so cinated/Malaysian :(
Cal, if youre reading this, you've hurt Steph twice, please dont start hurting your friend also. Im super hurt you could still continue making fun of me even though I was trying to hint to you 'Stop it, not here not now'.
Even though im rude, vulgar, mean, inconsiderate I still have feelings y'know :(... If you wanna make fun of me, make fun of me infront of someone else. I miss your old Sensitive self.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Last Semester Break And Walking In The Rain

And no, I wasnt kidding about the latter part in my title. I REALLY DID walk in the POURING RAIN with this half-wit in the above picture, Kan Wai Kit who managed to convince me to go see bicycles.
Not even to buy them.
Just to SEE them.
But oh wells, thats the fun part of growing up. Doing stupid stuff! While walking I was remembering my form 2 life where I was actually cycling in the rain with Calvin And Daniel~~ Its so fast life has just zoomed by. Now its my years turn to go for the infamous SPM next year, muahaha :D
That aside~~ Wai Kit managed to find the bike he wants and I got these awesome pictures! Granted they arent the sharpest around but deng, its like when it rains I get an extra 2mp in my camera hp... Its so nice to take photos in the rain, you get to see the water flowing and falling from the heavens but while doing that you get wet lah -.-
Not even to buy them.
Just to SEE them.
But oh wells, thats the fun part of growing up. Doing stupid stuff! While walking I was remembering my form 2 life where I was actually cycling in the rain with Calvin And Daniel~~ Its so fast life has just zoomed by. Now its my years turn to go for the infamous SPM next year, muahaha :D
That aside~~ Wai Kit managed to find the bike he wants and I got these awesome pictures! Granted they arent the sharpest around but deng, its like when it rains I get an extra 2mp in my camera hp... Its so nice to take photos in the rain, you get to see the water flowing and falling from the heavens but while doing that you get wet lah -.-

*Look! Fast flowing longkang water! (Takes photo)*
ANYWAY! Today I went paintballing with a huge group of people. (15 to be exact, but im too lazy to mention all the names) The summary is... I GOT SHOT! 5 times! 2 in the arms , 1 in the neck, 1 ON my head *It has a lump there now, same as Calvin* and one in the mouth. How Gaston managed to shoot the paintball straight onto my mouthpiece is really chunted, I should take lessons from him! :D
ANYWAY! Today I went paintballing with a huge group of people. (15 to be exact, but im too lazy to mention all the names) The summary is... I GOT SHOT! 5 times! 2 in the arms , 1 in the neck, 1 ON my head *It has a lump there now, same as Calvin* and one in the mouth. How Gaston managed to shoot the paintball straight onto my mouthpiece is really chunted, I should take lessons from him! :D
Brothers And Goodies

I want the '5 Speed' sticker :)

Erk. I posted the pictures up in reverse -.-"
Anyways, the story wont be in any sequence and I shall just say, I want the tachometer :D. I got the steering, and the somewhat retro badge. Nice huh? I just gotta find the time to 'pasang' the steering and stick the badge on...
And P.S, Brothers doesnt sell EVERYTHING rice, 90% of it is, but they do have their own hidden treasure as I call it. They have so much crap in there youre bound to find something nice and rare from the 90's for your car. I found a lovely Nissan badge :). Retro and in normal condition for just rm8! Amazing huh?
Anyways, the story wont be in any sequence and I shall just say, I want the tachometer :D. I got the steering, and the somewhat retro badge. Nice huh? I just gotta find the time to 'pasang' the steering and stick the badge on...
And P.S, Brothers doesnt sell EVERYTHING rice, 90% of it is, but they do have their own hidden treasure as I call it. They have so much crap in there youre bound to find something nice and rare from the 90's for your car. I found a lovely Nissan badge :). Retro and in normal condition for just rm8! Amazing huh?
Friday, November 13, 2009
90 Degree SAND Corner

That is what K-Jun's bike had to endure with me cycling on it >:D. (Dude if I mispelled your name sorry btw) Its been forever since i've updated so hey, something intresting happened today might as well I blog about it huh? For the 1st time EVER, I followed unker NG WHENG CHUNG for his night riding in Shah Alam @ the Shah Alam X-Treme park which was well... really extreme.
Sandy jump trails, skate parks, paintball parks, big frickin' stone for climbing. It's a excersing addict heaven to go to! (Not me tho)
SO. What I basically did was... (Imagine those motorcross dirt trails where people on scramblers are jumping from dirt jump to the other) Its exactly the same except there were no lights whatsoever and I was going MUUUUUCH slower than the rest of them hahaha. Went to the skate park nearby to get 'taught' by unker Chung how to jump using a bike. Sad to say I wasnt a fast learner and well... I couldnt jump. Oh well...
SO. What I basically did was... (Imagine those motorcross dirt trails where people on scramblers are jumping from dirt jump to the other) Its exactly the same except there were no lights whatsoever and I was going MUUUUUCH slower than the rest of them hahaha. Went to the skate park nearby to get 'taught' by unker Chung how to jump using a bike. Sad to say I wasnt a fast learner and well... I couldnt jump. Oh well...

So! This is K-Juns bike, I have no idea what the specs are but I do know he did a single gear conversion and its nice! Its like a larger less agile but more stable BMX. His DIY'ed green camo handles and rims are the bomb too. After that we went to get burgers and coke at burger king which was of course, right next to the park.

And OHMAIGISH, this BEAAAAUTIFUL Mazda 323 hatch was there. Its condition was SPLENDID, the interior had no gay stickers on the dash, 'bulu ayam' on the dashboard, mismatched bucket seats, nothing rice about it.
It had a nicely mounted boost gauge hidden in the gauge cluster, tastefull steering and an OEM bodykit which was so nicely maintained. The interior too looked really well taken care off.
It had a nicely mounted boost gauge hidden in the gauge cluster, tastefull steering and an OEM bodykit which was so nicely maintained. The interior too looked really well taken care off.
I hope the owner takes good care of this Mazda cause you dont see cars much like these nowadays... Rare but intresting.
(Reminds me of my dads cordia when it was still around :P)
(Reminds me of my dads cordia when it was still around :P)
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